Saturday, June 21, 2014

My One-Year Blog Anniversary

It's true! A year ago yesterday I started this blog. I was getting tired of the meaninglessness of Facebook. I needed a place to process what I was thinking about, and record things I wanted to remember. This blog has proved to be that place. It has also become something I did not expect: a place to connect with people who share my interests.
A Favourite Nature Study Memory

Here are some favourite posts from the past year:

Favourite Funny Story (from a year ago today): Adventures in Nature

Best Book Reviewed: Time of Wonder

Some Rich Educational Experiences: 
{Big Red Barn Reading Lessons} Lesson 4
Palindromes: Our Best Math Lesson Ever!
Our Very First Poetry Teatime

Top Five Most-Read Posts:
What it is, Is Classical
Education is Bigger Than You Think
The Outdoor Life for the Children
Printable Outdoor Time Log
The Awesome Mystery of Growth in Reading

I will leave you with a picture of my 3-year-old JJ's preparation for Poetry Tea Time one day last winter. Apparently I was taking too long putting his baby brother down for his nap, and so JJ took matters into his own hands.

If you've never commented before, please say hello today. I find it fascinating that there are people out there who are reading what I write, and I'd love to meet you!