Return to Dead Man's Pond
Ha ha! I couldn't resist the title. It really is called Dead Man's Pond, and it's located in the woods in Victoria Park, Charlottetown. We went there several weeks ago and saw many, many frog eggs. This week we went back and saw many, many tadpoles!

Boys are Fun.
This is my 2-year-old pushing my 4-year-old. Then my 6-year-old joined the race on the 4-year-old's bike.

I just finished week five of my "Couch to 5K" program. That means that yesterday I actually jogged for 20 minutes without stopping. I am continually amazed at how quickly my body adapts to the challenges of this program. The first four weeks were hard. Then, somehow, my body caught up and it is not as hard anymore. I am not really losing much weight (maybe a pound a week) but I am deliberately not counting calories. I have never tried to lose weight while nursing such a young baby before (AJ is five months this week.). I will try to be content with the fitness gains for now, and hopefully that will help it to fall off at a safe rate when it's time.